Friday, November 30, 2012
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#12: Skemmtilegur
Thursday, November 29, 2012
#11: Dægurlag
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
#10: Matvandur
Today's word is one that I think a lot of my former housemates would use to describe me, if any of them spoke or even had a passing interest in Icelandic! It's matvandur, which means "fussy" or "picky" when it comes to food. And that's definitely me!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
#9: Veitingahús
Monday, November 26, 2012
#8: Að Gleyma
Thus far, most of the words that I have featured have been nouns. That's no coincidence-- in our own language, over 50% of all words are nouns. Adjectives account for only about 25% of the total, and verbs make up just 14% or so; other parts of speech are even rarer. Although the data is hard to come by, my experiences with other European languages leads me to believe that this general trend extends far beyond English. I suppose that we humans just really like things. Icelandic is no expection; in fact, its heavy reliance on idioms to describe actions means that it may have an even more skewed noun:verb ratio. But, I want to learn all the words-- this isn't Daglegt Nafnorð (the "Daily Noun")-- so today I have chosen a nice sagnorð (verb) to talk about: að gleyma.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
#7: Þórðargleði
Saturday, November 24, 2012
#6: Ís
Friday, November 23, 2012
#5: Sérvitur
I fancy myself to be a pretty unique and quirky person, and quirkiness loves company. I suppose that's why I met a lot of very interesting, very special people when I was in college (it's a personality trait that seems to go hand-in-hand with entomology, I've found). That's why today's word is one that I have a lot of use for-- it's sérvitur, which means "odd" or "eccentric."
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Some of the most special people I know. |
Thursday, November 22, 2012
#4: Þrákálfur
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
#3: Kalkún
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the United States, and so everyone who isn't vegetarian or vegan is either defrosting their turkeys in anticipation or dueling to the death for the last one at the local grocery store. As such, it seems like a good time to talk about the Icelandic word for "turkey," kalkún.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
#2: Sporðdreki
And now it's time for one of my favorite things ever-- today's word is sporðdreki, the Icelandic word for scorpion. I've been fascinated with scorpions for a long time now, and have been keeping select species in captivity since my freshman year of college. If everything goes as planned, one day I will conduct independent research on their behavior/evolution and eventually become the scorpion guy. But enough about that. It's interesting that there is a native Icelandic word for "scorpion" to begin with, as scorpions are not found in Iceland or anywhere remotely near the Arctic Circle for that matter.
Monday, November 19, 2012
#1: Máltaka
I suppose that it's only natural that I use my first "real" post to explain the title I gave to my new project: Dagleg Máltaka. Dagleg isn't a very exciting word; it's just the feminine form of daglegur, which means "daily." The masculine suffix -legur (which becomes -leg in the feminine and -legt in the neuter) is a very common means of forming adjectives out of nouns in Icelandic; here, it was appended to the root of the word dagur, which means "day." The more interesting word, and the one that I really want to talk about, is máltaka.
Aðferðirnar mínar ("My Methods")
Handa mér (og ef til vill handa þér líka)
I have been trying to teach myself Icelandic for a little while now. My first attempt was as a sophomore in college, and was a short-lived, wildly unsuccessful endeavor that only started after I impulse-bought a language textbook that I had no real need for. Frustrated by the steep learning curve, I put the book aside and didn't seriously try my hand at Icelandic again until I noticed it sitting on the bookshelf early last year. Now I've been at it again for over a year, and while I'm determined not to give up this time, I will readily acknowledge one thing: Icelandic is still hard! So hard, in fact, that I'd call it "bloody difficult" if I could pull off a decent British accent (which I can't).