Sure, one will also hear the word popplag (or just popp) used to describe these songs, but dægurlag is the more interesting choice. It's formed by appending the word lag (song) to the word dægur, which denotes a period of 12 hours. In other words, it's a day in the colloquial sense (i.e. the time between waking up and going to bed), as opposed to a day in the technical sense (24 hours), which is just dagur in Icelandic. Therefore, dægurlög are songs that are intended to last for just one day, after which we're supposed to be free of them for good. It's actually quite an appropriate way to describe this music, because empty lyrics, repetitive beats, and autotuning aren't exactly popular with everyone, but they are great ways to ensure that your work will likely be forgotten soon.
Your moment... has passed. |
dægurlag, -s, dægurlög (n): pop song
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